20 F Street •• 3040 Post Oak •• 6 Houston Center •• Adams Plaza •• Allen Center •• Bank One Building •• Baptist Women’s Center •• Boston Properties •• Brevard College •• Capital Gallery •• Carter’s Footwear •• Champions Forest •• Charlotte Motor Speedway •• Children’s Hospital NRI •• Children’s Inn at NIH •• City of Charlotte – Trolley Project Marketing •• City of Los Angeles Pedestrian Wayfinding •• City of Rochester, MN •• City of Tuscaloosa, AL •• Clear Lake Center •• Collin County Courthouse . . .

Department of Defense Concessions •• Edmond J. Safra Family Lodge at NIH •• Egghead Software •• Elkhart General Hospital •• Enterprise Plaza •• FKP Architects •• Fort Bend County Justice Center •• Fort Sill •• Franklin Square Hospital Center •• Fulbright Tower •• General Services Administration – 1800 F Street •• General Services Administration – Northeast •• Harrington Regional Medical Center •• Hines India Real Estate •• Houston Center •• Howard Hughes Medical Institute •• Howrey, Simon, Arnold & White •• Huntington House – VA Boston •• Hyatt/Orange County •• Inova Fairfax Hospital Center •• Inova Health System . . .

Inova Loudoun •• La Bella Vita Town Center •• Lincoln Hospital Center •• Mark G. Anderson Consulting •• Medstar Health •• Mercy Medical Center •• Mountain Home VA •• North Carolina State University •• Northern California VA System •• Oklahoma Heart Hospital •• One Preserve Parkway •• Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) •• Parrish Medical Center •• Peachtree Center •• Penn State Hershey Medical Center •• Pentagon Luggage and Leather •• Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center •• San Felipe Plaza •• Sentara Obici Hospital •• Southside Stables •• Tetra Technologies . . .

The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) •• The City of Birmingham Medical District •• The Club at Carlton Woods •• The Gregory School •• U.S. AID •• U.S. Capitol Building •• U.S. Capitol Grounds •• U.S. House and Senate Office Buildings •• U.S. Pentagon – Department of Defense •• United States Court of International Trade •• United States Forest Service •• University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa •• University of Mary Hardin – Baylor •• University of North Carolina – Charlotte •• University of North Texas – Dallas •• University of Texas Medical Branch •• University of Texas Pan American •• VA Baltimore •• VA Big Springs, Texas •• VA Boston •• VA Buffalo . . .

VA Columbia •• VA Dallas •• VA District of Colombia Clinic •• VA District of Columbia •• VA Fayetteville •• VA Martinsburg •• VA Martinsburg •• VA Martinsburg CBOC •• VA Miami •• VA Monterey •• VA Orlando •• VA Rhode Island •• VA Richmond •• VA Salt Lake •• Va San Francisco •• VA Sioux Falls •• VA Togus •• VA West Haven •• VA West Roxbury •• Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital •• Vanderbilt Medical Center •Inova Health System . . .

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